Introduction It’s against the law for anyone providing goods, facilities or services directly to the public to discriminate because of race, age, nationality, marital status, […]
As can be seen, average IQs vary around the world. Europeans and Chinese score relatively highly, while Africa, the rest of Asia and South America […]
Global Slave-Owning Cultures, Who Enslaved Everyone, Including The Brits, Without Being Constantly Reminded Of How Evil They Were
History of Slavery Slavery has been around for thousands of years, even before people started keeping written records. It likely began around 11,000 years ago, […]
Criminology Theories around Diversity
AI Generated Text Social disorganization theory is a criminology theory developed by the Chicago School in 1942 by Shaw and McKay. It’s related to ecological […]
Is your Computer Woke? Political Bias in AI and Racial/Sexual Orientation Bias in Search Engines
Introduction Firstly apologies for the length of this article, but that’s down to big pictures not long words. It has been scientifically demonstrated that the […]
British Muslims v People with No Religion
Why Some Muslims Dislike Atheists & They’re Not Alone It saves all the arguments about moral equivalence and whataboutery when choosing between two sides, if […]
How Capitalism Created Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans People
“Lesbian and gay identity and communities are historically created, the result of a process of capitalist development that has spanned many generations”, says John D’Emilio, […]
Critical Something Theory – The Idea That No Matter What, You are to Blame
Critical Theories “Critical theories are important lenses to employ in research with immigrant and refugee families specifically because they aim to amplify marginalized voices. Critical […]
The Great Replacement Theory
Introduction From Wikipedia: “The original theory states that, with the complicity or cooperation of “replacist” elites, the ethnic French and white European populations at large […]
Sexual Violence Against Women
Crisis? What Crisis? Rape Statistics for England and Wales Before we answer the question, we have to acknowledge the facts – 70,000 rapes a year […]