Christian persecution remains a pressing issue worldwide, manifesting as rejection, isolation, and even violence. With millions facing such challenges, it’s crucial to shed light on […]
Category: Religion
No Irish, No Dogs, No Whites – The Scam of Woke Inclusivity
While anti-discrimination laws aim to promote inclusivity, are there instances where such efforts inadvertently perpetuate exclusion? Let’s critically assess the realities of ‘woke’ inclusivity and […]
British Muslims v People with No Religion
What happens when faith and secularism meet in a multicultural society? Explore the contrasting views and shared challenges of British Muslims and non-religious individuals. Why […]
Are plant-based diets the moral high ground, or do they come with ethical dilemmas of their own? Explore the complexities of veganism and its environmental, […]
British Muslim Attitude Surveys
What do British Muslims really think about critical social, political, and cultural issues? Analyze revealing survey data that sheds light on perspectives often misrepresented or […]
Islam and the Left in the Russian Revolution
Uncover the surprising intersections between Islam and leftist ideologies during the Russian Revolution. This page reveals a little-known chapter of political and religious history.” Early […]