Introduction It’s against the law for anyone providing goods, facilities or services directly to the public to discriminate because of race, age, nationality, marital status, […]
Category: Religion
British Muslims v People with No Religion
Why Some Muslims Dislike Atheists & They’re Not Alone It saves all the arguments about moral equivalence and whataboutery when choosing between two sides, if […]
Are Herbivores out of touch? In 2013 someone called M. Butterflies Katz carried out a survey of 7,000 people in various vegan Facebook groups, and […]
British Muslim Attitude Surveys
A study into Anti-Blackness amongst young Muslims within the UK Published July 5, 2020 250 non-Black Muslims were surveyed between 4th and 5th June 2020. […]
Islam and the Left in the Russian Revolution
Early Marxists and Russian revolutionaries were well-disposed to Muslims, but viewed them differently than the lumpen proletariat. Under Lenin and Trotsky the Bolshevik leadership was […]