Introduction It’s against the law for anyone providing goods, facilities or services directly to the public to discriminate because of race, age, nationality, marital status, […]
Category: sex and gender
Is your Computer Woke? Political Bias in AI and Racial/Sexual Orientation Bias in Search Engines
Introduction Firstly apologies for the length of this article, but that’s down to big pictures not long words. It has been scientifically demonstrated that the […]
How Capitalism Created Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans People
“Lesbian and gay identity and communities are historically created, the result of a process of capitalist development that has spanned many generations”, says John D’Emilio, […]
Sexual Violence Against Women
Crisis? What Crisis? Rape Statistics for England and Wales Before we answer the question, we have to acknowledge the facts – 70,000 rapes a year […]
Are Herbivores out of touch? In 2013 someone called M. Butterflies Katz carried out a survey of 7,000 people in various vegan Facebook groups, and […]
Legal Protection for Transvestites
UK Law and Transsexuals/Transgender The Equality Act 2010 lists a number of “Protected Characteristics” to which the law applies. Gender Reassignment is one such characteristic […]
Introduction Of the 76 non-human mammal species that exhibit leadership, only seven have females that take charge. Patriarchy works, and so do hierarchies. So […]
The No Outsiders Project – Please don’t be Bisexual, it fucks things up
No Outsiders: Introduction This was a £500,000 project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. No Outsiders grew directly out of the project leaders’ earlier […]
Homophobia or Heterosexism? The word homophobia first appeared in print in an article written for the May 23rd 1969, edition of the American pornographic magazine […]