As can be seen, average IQs vary around the world. Europeans and Chinese score relatively highly, while Africa, the rest of Asia and South America […]
Category: Uncategorized
Global Slave-Owning Cultures, Who Enslaved Everyone, Including The Brits, Without Being Constantly Reminded Of How Evil They Were
History of Slavery Slavery has been around for thousands of years, even before people started keeping written records. It likely began around 11,000 years ago, […]
British Muslims v People with No Religion
Why Some Muslims Dislike Atheists & They’re Not Alone It saves all the arguments about moral equivalence and whataboutery when choosing between two sides, if […]
LONDON London says it’s a great place, an international city. Where else would Boris Johnson be elected twice as its leader? Who else would elect […]
Race Hate Crime
RACE HATE CRIME IN ENGLAND AND WALES Someone said that the government were obscuring the figures on hate crime. So I thought I’d check. My […]
Are Herbivores out of touch? In 2013 someone called M. Butterflies Katz carried out a survey of 7,000 people in various vegan Facebook groups, and […]
Legal Protection for Transvestites
UK Law and Transsexuals/Transgender The Equality Act 2010 lists a number of “Protected Characteristics” to which the law applies. Gender Reassignment is one such characteristic […]
Bangladeshi Lives Matter
#All lives don’t matter until Bangladeshi Lives Matter Football Although 34% of footballers in the Premier league are from a BAME background, by the end […]
Introduction Of the 76 non-human mammal species that exhibit leadership, only seven have females that take charge. Patriarchy works, and so do hierarchies. So […]
Origins of Racial Prejudice
THE ORIGINS OF RACIAL PREJUDICE I saw some snot-nosed kid on the Internet today with a placard which read “The UK invented racism”. How could […]