Black Lives Matter – The Things You Wish They Hadn’t said

Black Lives Matter ignited global conversations on race and justice. But beyond the slogans, what are the controversial statements and actions that challenge the movement’s narrative? Dive into an analysis of its untold complexities.”

Here anti-racist campaigners show us what real racism is

BLM Oxford’s Sasha calls fellow activist a “coon”

And then there are the antisemitic tropes

All white people are racist demons

In this link she describes her involvement with BLM and tells why white people should not attend BLM protests –

“White people are 400 years too fucking late for a round of applause for a damn tweet with a hashtag, or for showing up to a damn rally”

white people to make atonement –

Thinks Winston Churchill was a war criminal

Lies about deaths in police custody

Truth – The UK’s BAME population stands at 15%, but only 10% of deaths in custody are BAME.


Suffragettes were working to advance white power


BLM call for a black militia

And Up It Popped

Its leader shared the antisemitic conspiracy theory that Israel was to blame for the killing of George Floyd, and said “if I don’t agree with the people that run the banks, that don’t make me anti-no one. I’m just anti-oppression. If I look in my history book and see there were people with Zionist blood that were heavily involved in the transatlantic slave trade, me pointing that out doesn’t make me antisemitic.”  It should be noted that the ethnic group most heavily involved in the Atlantic slave trade were the Africans.

Don’t create a way to let no Jewish man to make you unheard”





Black Lives Matter Denmark says white protesters should stand at the back





BLM’s Sasha Johnson say we should hang the “House Negroes”

Frenchman says he can’t breathe. No BLM UK protests. Video of incident on You Tube

Frenchman, Cédric Chouviat, said “I’m suffocating” 7 times as officers held him down for about 20 seconds, His body then went limp and he later died. A coroner later ruled he had died of asphyxia and a broken larynx.

Simeon Francis, 35, died in a cell in Torquay police station on 20 May, just before George Floyd, after being arrested in Exeter.

A preliminary post-mortem examination did not find a cause of death, the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) said.

No BLM interest. No protests from BLM.,Police%20Conduct%20(IOPC)%20

Did a ‘Convicted Terrorist’ Sit on the Board of a BLM Funding Body?


Only slightly apparently