Are Herbivores out of touch?
In 2013 someone called M. Butterflies Katz carried out a survey of 7,000 people in various vegan Facebook groups, and asked them a series of interesting and relevant questions about themselves. M. Butterflies Katz is also a vegan and further believes that the exploitation of cows for dairy and chickens for eggs, is a feminist issue. I mention that in case anyone was wondering if she was strange. This data is from the results of her survey. Links are below
Fact: 78% of vegans are women
Fact: 87% of vegans are not raising children
Fact: Nearly 40% of vegans plan never to have children, and 1/3rd are not sure.
Fact: 30% of vegans have never had a relationship with a member of the opposite sex
Fact: 13% of vegans are gay or lesbian
Fact: About 90% of vegans aren’t religious.
Fact: “84% of the world’s population identifies with a religious group. Members of this demographic are generally younger and produce more children than those who have no religious affiliation”
Fact: Just 5% of vegans are conservative
Fact: That was 2013. In 2016 Donald Trump won the US election
Fact: 27% of vegans are unemployed.