No Irish, No Dogs, No Whites – The Scam of Woke Inclusivity

While anti-discrimination laws aim to promote inclusivity, are there instances where such efforts inadvertently perpetuate exclusion? Let’s critically assess the realities of ‘woke’ inclusivity and its impact on various communities.


It’s against the law for anyone providing goods, facilities or services directly to the public to discriminate because of race, age, nationality, marital status, religion or belief. Examples of organisations which provide goods, facilities or services include:

Pubs, restaurants and hotels, shops, cinemas and theatres, hospitals and clinics, estate agents.


Private landlords and local authority housing departments, banks, building societies, insurance companies and finance companies, railway stations, bus stations and airports, churches and other places of worship, charities and voluntary organisations.


Government departments, local authorities, courts and tribunals, police officers and prisons, welfare services such as housing advice, day-care or community care.


It may surprise you that it wasn’t always like this. Just check out these adverts:


Yes, believe it or not, you actually were allowed to discriminate against dogs!

And this:


It would not be contentious to assume that these adverts appeared in England and that what they were advertising for was not a “no Irish, no Coloured” person, but in fact for a white, English person. If we say that the room is for white, English people, then by default it does mean no coloured, no Irish. When you’re not included, you’re excluded.

Let’s see how things have changed since those bad old days of the 1950s:

Modern sex and race discrimination by landlords in 2024

Asian Rooms to let


Although it’s illegal to discriminate, you know when you’re not wanted:


And in spite of all that, it doesn’t seem to cut both ways:




Religious Discrimination


Although landlords aren’t allowed to discriminate, renters are:



Employment discrimination

Discrimination in the field of employment is also perfectly legal if you frame it right, in the name of diversity. The BBC and Sky for example have a policy of reaching 20% non-white employment levels. It matters little to either organisation that the population is only 15% non-white:




The ETO was too white. Strangely enough though, no-one has suggested that the English Premier League is too black, or the UK Olympic team for that matter. Sometimes meritocracy triumphs, and sometimes it doesn’t. Positive Discrimination is of course illegal, but only when it’s called Positive Discrimination.  When it’s called “Positive Action”, it’s quite lawful.  Here are job adverts for people who are not white. They can be of any ethnicity whatsoever, as long as it isn’t white. I should point out that “not white” isn’t a Protected Characteristic under the Equality Act because “global majority” isn’t a race or ethnicity.




*”The term Global Majority which refers to all people in the world who are not white. It also means “No Irish! ” This group is around 80-85% of the global population and refers to people who are Black, Asian, Brown, dual-heritage, indigenous to the global South, and or have been racialised as ‘ethnic minorities’.

So it isn’t a group at all, just a group of groups. And when they call it a majority we are supposed to infer that they, as a majority, should get the majority of the jobs and housing. It blithely ignores the fact that the global majority don’t in fact live in Britain. They just want to.

In your personal life of course you are allowed to discriminate.

Discrimination as a human right:


White people are strange though. The first search result reveals an agency which has been banned from most platforms, and all the other ‘white’ agencies are promoting inter-racial relationships. Imagine that, white people wanting relationships outside their own ethnicity? Is that white supremacism?

Discrimination in the Arts

Thank God for the Arts though! Those liberal, Woke idealists wouldn’t allow racial discrimination in the Arts, would they?




So when we say we welcome BAME, “Global Majority”* people, or Muslims, what we actually mean is no Christians and no white people. When you’re not included, you’re excluded. Of course we can dress it up as something else, or rationalise it to make it sound like a good thing, but it is what it is. Haven’t we come a long way since the 1950s? We are now legally able to discriminate in a whole variety of ways which were simply not possible before, but it’s still No dogs.