Is the traditional family under ideological assault? Explore how societal and political shifts are reshaping family structures and what this means for the future of the biological family.
A study of sexual liberation ideology over the past 50 years shows a consistent link between groups campaigning on behalf of homosexuals and groups with a predilection for under-age sex with minors. It is true that earlier British laws did focus on same sex activity, having no regard for the age of the parties, but the same support continued for long after statutes had changed. Neither was support limited to the UK. The same phenomenon was observed in the USA, Germany and the Netherlands.
More recently those campaigning on behalf of gay people started to concern themselves with gender dysphoria in children, puberty blockers and persuading parents that the best way to promote inclusion and fight prejudice was drag queen story hour.
There seems to be a thread of ideology linking all these phenomena and that ideology is known as Queer Theory, which seeks to deconstruct not just sexual behaviours, but family and family values. This theory promotes the idea that all sexual activity is valid, and that which is suppressed, is suppressed unfairly. There is apparently a dominant hierarchy in play here, with husbands and wives at the top and drag queens and paedophiles at the bottom. If the family structure can be “deconstructed”, then all below it in the hierarchy can be liberated. In short, when all societal norms and rules regarding sexual activity are abolished, nobody can do anything ‘wrong’, since wrongness won’t exist and we’ll all be liberated. The same argument has been used to reduce crime – simply repeal the laws.
Paedophile is often used by the public as a generic term, when it has in fact a quite specific meaning. The definitions we are using in this document are shown below;
Child = Legally, anyone under 18.
Paedophilia – psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.
Hebephilia – the strong, persistent sexual interest by adults in pubescent (early adolescent) children, which is typically ages 11–14.
Ephebophilia – the strong, persistent sexual interest by adults in adolescents, typically ages 15–19.
These are examined separately in the research which follows.
Using phallometric test sensitivities to calculate the proportion of true paedophiles among various groups of sex offenders against children, and taking into consideration previously reported mean numbers of victims per offender group, the ratio of heterosexual to homosexual paedophiles was calculated to be approximately 11:1. This suggests that the resulting proportion of true paedophiles among persons with a homosexual erotic development is greater than that in persons who develop heterosexually. J Sex Marital Ther.1992 Spring;18(1):34-43.
The proportions of heterosexual and homosexual paedophiles among sex offenders against children: an exploratory study.
“Considering the lack of reliable estimates of the prevalence of paedophilia in general, prevalence estimates for the subtypes of paedophilia also remain scarce. The current estimated prevalence of homosexual paedophilia is anywhere between 9 and 40% (Hall and Hall,2007); the ratio of heterosexual to homosexual paedophiles was approximately 1.4:1 among men with CSA offenses in another study using phallometry (Freund and Watson,1992). “
The historical links between paedophile groups and gay rights groups are not well known, but date back to the 1970s. It was not a phenomenon limited to the UK; similar situations arose and persisted in the Netherlands, in Germany and in the USA. The Paedophile Action for Liberation (also known as Paedophile Awareness and Liberation) developed as a breakaway group from South London Gay Liberation Front. A motion at Campaign for Homosexual Equality’s 1977 annual conference condemning “the harassment of the Paedophile Information Exchange by the press” was passed:
During the early days of its activism, Tom O’Carroll one of its leaders, stated that only a small group of people were “in the know” about groups such as PIE, namely “readers of gay newspapers and magazines, and others in gay circles who had heard by word of mouth”
See also:
’Tots on the March’ – the London Gay Activists Alliance submission to the Royal Commission on Criminal Procedure (RCCP) dated August 1979, signed off with “Gay love and paedophile kisses, or paedophile love and gay kisses to the Royal Commission on Criminal Procedure, from the London Gay Activists Alliance.”
Their involvement with an organisation to which two groups campaigning for the legalisation of paedophilia were affiliated came back to challenge three leading Labour Party figures. Before she became an MP, Harriet Harman was the legal officer in the late 1970s for the National Council for Civil Liberties. When Miss Harman joined NCCL in 1978, PIE, the Paedophile Information Exchange, had already been affiliated for three years. Another group, Paedophile Action for Liberation, a Gay Liberation Front offshoot, had also been affiliated to NCCL until it was absorbed by PIE:
Peter Tatchell, one of the Gay Liberation Front leaders, with Boris Johnson.
The Scottish Minorities Group (SMG) was formed in 1969, when it held meetings to look at issues then relevant to lesbians and gay men. In 1971 SMG opened a telephone advice line, and in 1973 lobbied for the cessation of “private” gay sex prosecutions. In 1974 SMG hosted the first Gay Congress (later known as the International Lesbian & Gay Association -ILGA) and the following year SMG opened Scotland’s first gay information centre in Edinburgh.
In 1978 with the “Dunfermline Declaration of Rights” which was to form the nucleus for Equality 2000, the group changed its name to the Scottish Homosexual Rights Group (SHRG). One decade later, in 1992, SHRG became Outright Scotland. Outright Scotland continued to operate until 2006.
To quote from their website “Our aims as Outright Scotland have not changed from those challenging days of the 1970”
Keep that quote in mind, while we dig deeper.
The Scottish Minorities Group was founded in January 1969 by Ian Dunn in Glasgow. In October 1974 the Paedophile Information Exchange, a pro-paedophile activist group was founded as a special interest group within the Scottish Minorities Group. SMG founder Ian Dunn was among the founding members of PIE. He went on to run Outright Scotland as well.
Ashford, Chris; Reed, Alan; Wake, Nicola (14 December 2016). Legal Perspectives on State Power: Consent and Control. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 9781443857178 – via Google Books.
“Three months after Stonewall, the North American Conference of Homophile Organizations, umbrella organization comprising 14 gay liberation groups, published “A Radical Manifesto” demanding “the removal of all restrictions on sex between consenting persons of any sex, of any orientation, of any age, anywhere, whether for money or not, and for the removal of all censorship.”
The Stonewall Riots: A Documentary History By Marc Stein.
Make Love, Not War: The Sexual Revolution: An Unfettered History By David Allyn
In 1993, the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) achieved United Nations consultative status. One of its members was the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). Its membership of ILGA drew heavy criticism and caused the suspension of ILGA. Many gay organizations called for the ILGA to dissolve ties with NAMBLA.
Republican Senator Jesse Helms proposed a bill to withhold US$119 million in UN contributions until U.S. President Bill Clinton could certify that no UN agency grants any official status to organizations that condoned paedophilia. The bill was unanimously approved by Congress and signed into law by Clinton in April 1994. In 1994, ILGA expelled NAMBLA.
NAMBLA said, “man/boy love is by definition homosexual”, that “the Western homosexual tradition from Socrates to Wilde to Gide … [and] many non Western homo sexualities from New Guinea and Persia to the Zulu and the Japanese” were formed by pederasty, that “man/boy lovers are part of the gay movement and central to gay history and culture”, and that “homosexuals denying that it is ‘not gay’ to be attracted to adolescent boys are just as ludicrous as heterosexuals saying it’s ‘not heterosexual’ to be attracted to adolescent girls”
In the Netherlands, a history of literature and views existing within the COC (Cultural and Recreational Center), the major Dutch organization of homosexual men and women, regarding paedophilia and its relationship to homosexuality are discussed, beginning with definite separation between the paedophile and homosexual identities and ending with an abolishment of oppression towards paedophilia, for which the COC is in part responsible. The article argues that the homosexual identify is by no means a “constant” but a fluid identity, based on societal views and conditions. By accepting paedophilia, the COC hopefully will broaden the idea of the gay identity.
Sandfort T. Homosex. 1986 Winter-1987 Spring;13(2-3):89-110.
In Germany in July 1981, the gay interest magazine “Rosa Flieder” published an interview with Olaf Stüben. one of the most infamous paedophiles in Germany at the time. As a writer for the left wing newspaper Die Tageszeitung, he openly advocated for people to accept paedophilia as healthy and moral. In the magazine interview, Stüben is asked why it should be acceptable for adults to have sex with children and youths. He talks of quickies with young boys, and declares it backwards to maintain the taboo around inappropriately touching children. “Childlike innocence is an invention of the bourgeoisie of early capitalism,” Stüben says.
The magazine “Don” also presented five sympathetic reports on the experiences of paedophilic men. The headline read, “We’re not child rapists!” If paedophiles got into trouble with the law, they could rely on legal advice from a group called “Gay Lawyers.” Many politicians in the Green Party also made sure that calls for legalizing sex with children had an audience.
Even today, the Association of Lesbians and Gays in Germany (LSVD) claims on its website that in the 1980s, the only men who spoke up were those who had enjoyed sex with adults in their youth. The gay movement helped paedophiles in entirely practical ways. In the pamphlet “Justly gay. Legal advice for gays,” there is a one-and-a-half page “argumentation aid.” It’s an instruction on how men who are charged with child sexual abuse can best escape punishment.
The now-defunct leftist alternative magazine “Pflasterstrand,” then edited by current Green politician Daniel Cohn-Bendit, justified sex with children. In 1975 a Green Party leading light, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, who was a kindergarten teacher at the time, wrote a book praising “erotic games” between adults and young children. In 1981 Jürgen Trittin, today a senior Green MP and then a young party official in Göttingen, signed off on a party pamphlet seeking the decriminalisation of paedophilia.
The party commissioned a study into the full extent of Green-paedophilia links. Published a week before the 2013 federal election, it cost the party countless votes and prompted a grovelling apology from Trittin
“Hebephilia is the strong, persistent sexual interest by adults in pubescent (early adolescent) children (especially those showing Tanner stages 2-3 of development), which is typically ages 11–14.” It is not a mental disorder, and neither is it a sexual orientation. In terms of sexual orientation, 36% of hebephile men are gay or bisexual.
Gay rights groups no longer tolerate the presence of paedophiles in their ranks, but there continues to be ambivalence about how young a male has to be, before he’s no longer considered to be sexually attractive and fair game to older males. A sexual relationship between a 13 year-old girl and a middle aged man would be roundly condemned in heterosexual circles, but there is no universal gay outrage at the thought of a middle aged gay man having sex with young teenage boys. Some even want to make it legal.
Peter Tatchell is a noted gay rights campaigner. In the late 90s, Peter Tatchell of Outrage!, was campaigning for lowering the age of consent for all to 14, reviewed a grotesque and shocking book, Dares to Speak: Historical & Contemporary Perspectives On Boy-Love. Tatchell wrote: “Abusive, exploitative relationships are indefensible but… [there are] many examples of societies where consenting intergenerational sex is considered normal, acceptable, beneficial and enjoyable by old and young alike.”
“While it may be impossible to condone paedophilia, it is time society acknowledged the truth that not all sex involving children is unwanted, abusive and harmful.” (Tatchell, The Guardian newspaper, 1997: 22)
In May 2013 the barrister Barbara Hewson said the age of consent should be lowered to 13 to stop the “persecution of old men”. Peter Tatchell, while supporting a lowering of the age, has criticised Ms Hewson, saying that 13 is too young. In November 2013 Professor John Ashton, president of the Faculty of Public Health, said there should be a national debate on lowering the age of consent (presumably for both gay and straight sex) to 15, as this would make it easier for 15-year-olds to get sexual health advice from the NHS.
Milo Yiannopoulos, born Milo Hanrahan; is a British political commentator and writer. He is a former senior editor for Breitbart News, who describes himself as a “cultural libertarian”. Yiannopoulos has been accused of being an apologist for or supporting paedophilia, a charge he strenuously denies. The charge arises from a video clip in which he said that sexual relationships between 13-year-old boys and adult men and women can be “perfectly consensual” and positive experiences for the boys.
Asked whether he was advocating for “cross-generational relationships,” Yiannopoulos said: “Yeah, I don’t mind admitting that. And I think particularly in the gay world, and outside the Catholic Church — if that’s where some of you want to go with this — I think in the gay world some of the most important, enriching and incredibly life-affirming, important shaping relationships very often between younger boys and older men,” he said. “They can be hugely positive experiences.” Yiannopoulos stated that sexual relationships between 13-year-old boys and adult men and women can “happen perfectly consensually”, because some 13-year-olds are, in his view, sexually and emotionally mature enough to consent to sex with adults;
In a 2015 interview with comedian and commentator Joe Rogan. At 4:46 in the video found here, Yiannopoulos explains how he attended the “boat parties” and “house parties” of Hollywood figures of the stature of film producer Bryan Singer (who has been accused of minor sex abuse). At these events, grown men were using for sex boys who were, as Yiannopoulos puts it, “very young—very young.”
Note that Yiannopoulos had just outlined how he’d been abused by a clergyman when he was 13 or 14, but nonetheless described his abuser as a “great priest.” He said in another YouTube video that sexual relationships “between younger boys and older men…can be hugely positive experiences,” as he discussed “the merits of gay relationships between adults and boys as young as 13,” as the BBC put it. So how young were the boys at the Hollywood parties if they, even in Yiannopoulos’s eyes, “beggared belief”? Twelve? Eleven? He doesn’t say. He also won’t say who the abusers were, telling Rogan, “I don’t want to be indiscreet about specific people because I think it’s going to be, yeah, dangerous.”
January 2018 – A chair of the Conservative Party’s LGBT group was found guilty of six charges relating to downloading and distributing child abuse images and extreme pornography. Matthew Sephton, 42, was arrested in December 2016 when officers from the National Crime Agency raided his home in Altrincham, Cheshire. Police found 31 indecent videos of children and 3,774 indecent still images of children on two iPhones and an Apple Mac computer, both of which belonged to him.
A paedophile then? Well technically not, although the LGBT community might now be keen to brand him so. The court was also told that he exchanged messages on WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger with another councillor in which the pair discussed sexual interest in underage boys. In one exchange, discussing a picture, Mr Sephton asked the other man: “How old is he?” The reply was: “About 14,” to which he said: “Yum – any younger?” That’s hebephilia, not paedophilia. Hebephilia is not a sexual orientation. Pink News has 51 articles about Mr Sephton –
A sexual abuse scandal involving the non-recent abuse of young players at football clubs in the United Kingdom began in mid-November 2016. The revelations began when former professional footballers waived their rights to anonymity and talked publicly about being abused by former coaches and scouts in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. Within a month of the initial reporting, the Football Association, the Scottish Football Association, several football clubs and over 20 UK police forces had established various inquiries and investigations and over 350 alleged victims had come forward. As of 31 December 2017, police investigations had recorded 839 alleged victims, 294 alleged suspects, arising from 2094 referrals, impacting 334 clubs. These have led to ten individuals being charged with historical sexual abuse. All those charged were men and their victims were mainly boys in the 11 – 15 aged group. That’s hebephilia again. Hebephilia is not a sexual orientation. It’s a paraphilia ie a sexual preference. The men’s sexual orientation is homosexual. The story and the scandal never appeared in any edition of Pink News.
In 1994, members of NAMBLA and some members of the Gay Liberation Front participated in “The Spirit of Stonewall” march that commemorated the 1969 Stonewall Riots. The NAMBLA film, Chickenhawk, from 1994 shows the type of ‘boy’ they’re interested in. Not babies or infants, but just the sort of 12 year-old, that some gay activists were hoping to legally have sex with by lowering the age of consent.
Think Kevin Spacey, Gay or paedophile? Kevin Spacey tweeted an apology for allegedly making sexual advances toward a then 14 year-old Anthony Rapp in 1986. Spacey himself identified as Gay.
David Thorstad (born June 6, 1941) is an American political activist engaged with pro-pederast and pro-pedophile activism within the North American Man/Boy Love Association (commonly known as NAMBLA), of which he was a founding member. He was also a former president of New York’s Gay Activists Alliance.
Larry Kramer gay rights activist and playwright, “In those instances where children do have sex with their homosexual elders, be they teachers or anyone else, I submit that often, very often, the child desires the activity, and perhaps even solicits it, either because of a natural curiosity that will or will not develop along these lines, or because he or she is homosexual and innately knows it.”
Larry Kramer, “Reports from the Holocaust: The Story of an AIDS Activist,” pp. 234-235. St. Martin’s Press: New York. Copyright 1981. This quotation is taken from the Updated and Expanded “Stonewall Inn” edition published in 1994.
Alan Hinsberg is an American poet, philosopher, writer, and activist. He was an early proponent of freedom for gay people. Ginsberg was a supporter and member of NAMBLA), saying that “Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witch-hunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance… I’m a member of NAMBLA, because I love boys too — everybody does, who has a little humanity.” I joined NAMBLA in defense of free speech. In 1994, Ginsberg appeared in a documentary on NAMBLA called Chicken Hawk: Men Who Love Boys (playing on the gay male slang term “Chickenhawk”), in which he read a “graphic ode to youth”.
In the words of Harry Hay, the gay icon and founder of the American gay movement: “If the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world.”
Huffington Post columnist Michelangelo Signorile, who said only “internalized homophobia” could cause gays to criticize such relationships. Signorile specifically defended sites that promote “intergenerational” gay sex. “Some younger people are attracted to older people, and vice versa,” he wrote. “There’s even a gay website called Daddyhunt.” Gay people who criticize older men having sex with teens need to “open our minds, refrain from the impulsive outbursts and stop feeding the bigots,” Signorile wrote. In August 2011, Signorile was inducted into the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association LGBT Journalist Hall of Fame. In November 2012, Signorile was included in the Out magazine annual Out 100.
Ephebophilia is the strong, persistent sexual interest by adults in adolescents, typically ages 15–19.
Oscar Wilde is a gay icon, not least because of his trial and subsequent imprisonment for gross indecency. How young were the boys he slept with? Many of them were certainly in their teens, but in those days the laws against homosexuality did not discriminate as far as age was concerned. It was the same offence whether you were 4,14 or 40.
At his trial, three of them were recorded as being only 16, with Wilde being 39. And he paid them too. According to Neil McKenna’s book, The Secret Life of Oscar Wilde, it was in Sicily in 1900 – only seven months before his death, aged 46 – that Wilde struck up a relationship with 15-year-old Giuseppe Loverde and every day “kissed him behind the high altar” of the cathedral in Palermo. Since Bosie and Oscar shared most of their “lovers”, and since Oscar during this time wrote of Bosie being devoted to “a dreadful little ruffian aged 14,” It is possible that more than one of Wilde’s relationships was with a boy under the current age of consent. Rent boys and sex tourism!
Paying 16 year-olds for sex is still a crime today. (Section 47-50 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003) and is punishable by up to 7 years in prison. Pink News website carried 177 stories mentioning Oscar Wilde. None are critical.
Parents, subconsciously or even instinctively, distrust men dressed as women dancing and discussing sexual themes with their children. It is certainly the case, and separate studies confirm this, that heterosexuals don’t like the idea of gay men being close to, or influencing children.
Drag queens as entertainers date back to the 19th century but in today’s story hour context, their message is different and stems from ‘Queer Theory”. The message is the deconstruction of sex, sexual differences, conventional family life, the nuclear family and the creation of a new idea, that of child sexuality.
Queer theory was created and developed in the 1980s by a number of people, including Gayle S. Rubin’s, who wrote “Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality.” Rubin had a close working knowledge of such things as leather, bondage, orgies, fisting, sado-masochism, BDSM. She believed that power dynamics both “shaped and repressed human sexual experience”.
“Modern Western societies appraise sex acts according to a hierarchical system of sexual value,” Rubin wrote. “Marital, reproductive heterosexuals are alone at the top erotic pyramid. Clamouring below are unmarried monogamous heterosexuals in couples, followed by most other heterosexuals. Stable, long-term lesbian and gay male couples are verging on respectability, but bar dykes and promiscuous gay men are hovering just above the groups at the very bottom of the pyramid. The most despised sexual castes currently include transsexuals, transvestites, fetishists, sadomasochists, sex workers such as prostitutes and porn models, and the lowliest of all, those whose eroticism transgresses generational boundaries.”
Her project and the aim of queer theory was to demolish this sexual hierarchy so that we could all live in that world of leather, bondage, orgies, fisting, sado-masochism, BDSM. Society had to be pulled down and reformed to suit her ideals. She spurned the idea that sex was a natural on non-political experience. Rubin wrote. “Underlying this body of work is an assumption that sexuality is constituted in society and history, not biologically ordained. This does not mean the biological capacities are not prerequisites for human sexuality. It does mean that human sexuality is not comprehensible in purely biological terms.” For her and others sex and gender were not fixed, but could be anything and changed into anything.
Rubin, a lesbian, wanted more than just equality. She wanted to transform sexual norms. She wrote; “A radical theory of sex must identify, describe, explain, and denounce erotic injustice and sexual oppression. Such a theory needs refined conceptual tools which can grasp the subject and hold it in view. It must build rich descriptions of sexuality as it exists in society and history. It requires a convincing critical language that can convey the barbarity of sexual persecution.” In reality what she wanted to was to to raise the respectability of those at the bottom of the hierarchy—“transsexuals, transvestites, fetishists, sadomasochists, sex workers.”
Paedophiles, naturally enough, lay at the bottom of this sexual hierarchy. She called them “boylovers” and “men who love underaged youth,” In “Thinking Sex,” Rubin denounced fears of child sex abuse as “erotic hysteria,” complained about against anti–child pornography laws, and argued for legalising and normalising the people “whose eroticism transgresses generational boundaries.” She wrote “Like communists and homosexuals in the 1950s, boylovers are so stigmatised that it is difficult to find defenders for their civil liberties, let alone for their erotic orientation. Consequently, the police have feasted on them. Local police, the FBI, and watchdog postal inspectors have joined to build a huge apparatus whose sole aim is to wipe out the community of men who love underaged youth. In twenty years or so, when some of the smoke has cleared, it will be much easier to show that these men have been the victims of a savage and undeserved witch hunt.”
Drag historically begins with a freed slave, William Swann, a man who liked silk and satin dresses and who organised sex parties at his home. In 1896, he was jailed for “keeping a disorderly house,” and got 300 days in jail. From the perspective of 20th century politics Swann was a man who liberated himself from chattel slavery and then from a repressive sexual culture, despite the best efforts of an oppressive society and the police. After the Stonewall riots in 1969, drag became increasingly political.
Writer Daniel Harris – “ideology [tightened] its grip on the aesthetic of drag when gay men began to use their costumes to reevaluate the whole concept of normality and thus carry out a crucial part of the cross-dresser’s agenda: revenge.” Groups such as Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries sprung up in New York and San Francisco.
“Men now wear such sexually explicit outfits as ball gowns with prosthetic breasts sewn on to the outside of the dresses, black nighties with gigantic strap-on dildos, and transparent vinyl mini-skirts that reveal lacy panties with strategic rips and telltale stains suggestive of deflowerment,” Harris noted. “The less drag is meant to allure, the bawdier it becomes, with men openly massaging their breasts, squeezing the bulges of their g-strings, sticking out their asses and tongues like porn stars in heat, and lying spread-eagle on their backs on parade routes with their helium heels flung into the air and their virginal prom dresses thrown over their heads.” The goal of drag, following Butler and Rubin, is to obliterate conceptions of gender through its performances.
Taking the theory still forwards, in 1990, a book called Gender Trouble, by the queer theorist Judith Butler was published. It’s basic argument is that Western society has created a regime of “compulsory heterosexuality and phallogocentrism” She also argued that the word ‘woman’ was a social construct, that gender was infinitely malleable (as Rubin had similarly argued)
The theory runs that once we deconstruct all that nonsense about men and women, families, children etc, proper societal reconstruction can begin. The drag queen embodies the idea of that deconstruction, mixing up biological sex and gender.
Queer theorist Sarah Hankins, who conducted lots of research in drag bars. She described three genres of drag—straight-ahead, burlesque, and genderfuck—that range from stripteases and lap dances to simulations of necrophilia, bestiality, and race fetishism. The transition to Drag Queen Story Hour was facilitated in the USA by a “genderqueer” college professor and drag queen named Harris Kornstein—stage name Lil Miss Hot Mess—who hosted some of the original readings in public libraries and wrote the children’s book The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish.
He also published the manifesto for the movement, “Drag Pedagogy: The Playful Practice of Queer Imagination in Early Childhood.” It reads “To state it plainly, within the historical context of the USA and Western Europe, the institutional management of gender has been used as a way of maintaining racist and capitalist modes of (re)production.”
Kornstein desired to replace the biological family with the ideological family, and arousing transgressive sexual desires in young children. “Building in part from queer theory and trans studies, queer and trans pedagogies seek to actively destabilize the normative function of schooling through transformative education.”
They write. “This is a fundamentally different orientation than movements towards the inclusion or assimilation of LGBT people into the existing structures of school and society.” He also argued that their task was to disrupt the “binary between womanhood and manhood,” and break the “reproductive futurity” of the “nuclear family” and the “sexually monogamous marriage”—all of which are considered mechanisms of heterosexual, capitalist oppression. Later in the UK other academics would get large government grants for challenging and subverting heteronormativity in schools. It was called the No Outsiders Project.
Taken from:
Like most normal people, I still can’t understand why single men dressed in women’s clothing want to spend so much time in close proximity to young children. Oh wait, I get it now:
Drag queens arrested:…/10587395.drag…/…/…/…/
Oddly enough the idea that everything is fluid is an attack on gay and lesbian identity as well, but these identities are perhaps not as fixed as they would have us believe, Firstly we usually identify our own sexual orientation. We’re not tested for it. Secondly trans conversion seems to have us changing our sexual orientation, when for years the LGB movement told us it was fixed. Here are four examples:
I’ve joined the dots, agree or disagree? “The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society” Thus runs Article 16 of the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. When this statement was first laid in stone we all knew what a family was. It was a man and woman, a husband and wife, with their children, their boys and girls. Destroy the family and you destroy society. Western nihilism is trying to do this.
The first attack on society came with an attempt to change the definition of marriage by including in it the legal union of homosexual couples. This led to a change in what it meant to be a husband or a wife. A husband and wife can now be of any gender or sex. These words now just mean ‘spouse’ and have lost their original meaning.
From that came the idea gay married couples could have children, and that children could have two mothers or two fathers, a father being either male or female, and a mother being either female or male. The words mother and father now have no meaning either. If those words carry no meaning, neither do the terms son and daughter. Recognise any of this?
This confused society to such an extent that even the nation’s leaders became confused as to what a woman was, and the term ‘adult human female’ was considered offensive. We knew what great weightlifters these new women were, but after that things got a bit confusing. Men with beards became the new lesbians, and Pornhub went into administration.
As the grown-ups became confused, the nihilists went into action again, targeting the schools with attempts to “challenge” and “subvert” heteronormativity. Boys and girls were encouraged to believe that society had randomly “allocated” their gender at birth, and that they could correct this anomaly by cross-dressing and changing their names. If boys could grow up to become girls, they wouldn’t be able to bear children and girls growing up to become boys couldn’t father them anyway. The family, that “natural and fundamental group unit of society” would disappear and society’s destruction was guaranteed.
Luckily for humanity the ‘Global Majority’ doesn’t see it this way and has decided to head to Europe to help us fix our ways, Nihilists, being nihilist by nature, welcomed them just as they now welcome their own destruction.
Homosexual or Not?
Chelsea Manning is a woman.( who was formerly a man. As far as is known she does not identify as a Lesbian. When she was a man, she came out as gay. She’s not gay any more. So being gay isn’t as fixed as they would have us believe.
Quentin Crisp, the original “Stately Homo of England”, so gay they made a film about him, said, “The only thing in my life I have wanted and didn’t get was to be a woman. It will be my life’s biggest regret. If the operation had been available and cheap when I was young, say when I was twenty-five or twenty-six, I would have jumped at the chance. My life would have been much simpler as a result” –
Eddie Izzard is transgender, identifying as “somewhat boy-ish and somewhat girl-ish”. When asked what pronouns he prefers, Izzard said “either ‘he’ or ‘she.'” In the past, Izzard identified as a transvestite, and he has also called himself “a lesbian trapped in a man’s body”
Ellen Page, a Canadian actress, came out in adulthood to declare herself a lesbian, that is a woman who finds other women sexually attractive. She married a woman in 2018. Later she changed her mind, and her name became Elliot Page. His wife said she was very proud of him. So much for being a lesbian then………………………………..They’ve since separated.
Firstly let’s do away with the notion that ‘gender is a social construct’. The idea that gender is a social construct, is itself a social construct. Just look at gender realignment or surgery. They’re not changing their gender, they’re changing their sex. There are just two sexes and therefore two genders. Anything else is a mistake, since nature’s not perfect you know. Just because a man self-identifies as a woman, doesn’t make him one.
As for sexual orientation, the world of psychiatry has yet to agree on what this means. Paedophilia was a sexual orientation for a while, and got taken off the list again. But bear in mind that your sexuality is society’s business, because society says so. That’s why we have laws about sleeping with your underage brother/sister and having sex with your grannie. That’s also why you can’t have sex with dolphins, as a tourist off Bournemouth Pier later discovered in court.
Paedophilia as a sexual orientation –
Sexual orientation v paraphilias
The Equality Act 2010 uses the terms “sex” and “gender” interchangeably. In that context, there are only two genders. It says for example that “gender reassignment” is the process of changing his or her sex. It goes on to say people having the protected characteristic of sex are to mean being a man or a woman.
The number of children classified by the medical profession as ‘trans’ has risen at a rate which can best be described as disturbing or dubious. The Cass Review makes the point that treatment is not based on sound science. Others point out that it is ideologically driven. Many have pointed out that the majority of children treated would, if just left alone, either just have grown out of it, or become homosexual adults. By turning potentially gay boys into girls would seen homophobic on the face of it. So why is the LGBTQiA+etc lobby so keen on the idea? It’s like turkeys voting for Xmas.
The answer lies in the desire to promote the idea that sex and gender are just social constructs to be changed at will, a bit like a nose job or some other minor medical procedure. It is a deconstruction of biological identity, of sex, heterosexual marriage and the nuclear family. In their perfect future, babies might be bought off the shelf, because biological families are biologically unnecessary and can be replaced by the ideological family, and arousing transgressive sexual desires in young children..
With the destruction of the family everything else becomes possible and would be legitimate. This further legimitises the normalisation of gay marriage and homosexuality It is also the same queer theory we saw with Drag Queen Story Hour. Throw out the hierarchical and repressive heteronormative regime and all those supressed sexualities at the bottom of the pile will be liberated. As mentioned earlier, that includes gays and paedophiles.
Lack of research
The report states on page 20 that “When the Review started, the evidence base, particularly in relation to the use of puberty blockers and masculinising / feminising hormones, had already been shown to be weak”; and that after the examination of over 100 pieces of potential evidence, that “there continues to be a lack of high-quality evidence in this area”.
Increase in referrals – Child and Adolescent Referrals for Gender Dysphoria (UK, GIDS)
The report found no clear explanation for the rise in the number of children and adolescents with gender dysphoria, but stated there was broad agreement for attribution to a mix of biological and psychosocial factors. Suggested influences included a lower threshold for medical treatment, social media-related mental health consequences, abuse, access to information regarding gender dysphoria, struggles with emerging sexual orientation, and early exposure to online pornography. The report considered a rise in acceptance of transgender identities to be insufficient to explain the increase.
Clinical pathway – Outline of medical pathway at start of Review
The report stated that clinicians cannot be certain which children and young people will have an enduring trans identity in adulthood, and that for most, a medical pathway will not be the most appropriate. When a medical pathway is clinically indicated, wider mental health or psychosocial issues should also be addressed. Due to a lack of follow-up, the number of individuals who detransitioned after hormone treatment was unknown.
The Cass Review attempted to work with the Gender Identity Development Service and the NHS adult gender services to “fill some of the gaps in follow-up data for the approximately 9,000 young people who have been through GIDS to develop a stronger evidence base.” However, despite encouragement from NHS England, “the necessary cooperation was not forthcoming.
Response from other health bodies
The British Psychological Society commended the review as “thorough and sensitive”, in light of the complex and controversial nature of the subject.
The Royal College of Psychiatrists, the main professional organisation of British psychiatrists, welcomed the report and strongly agreed with its recommendations. They supported the emphasis on a holistic and person-centred approach and research to improve the evidence basis for treatment protocols. They noted that some of its trans members, and the wider trans community, had concerns about availability of treatments while awaiting research, along with differences of opinion about social transition or the possible explanations for the increase in referrals.
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, the professional body for British paediatricians, thanked Cass and her team for their “massive undertaking”. They noted that data collected had identified a lack of confidence by paediatricians and GPs to support this patient group, which the RCPCH would address by developing new training.
Gay sex and gay relationships don’t follow the same rules as heterosexual society, but acceptance and approval are nonetheless sought. Why else seek gay marriage as an institution, other than to move up the sexual hierarchy?
Homosexual men are disproportionately attracted to those who are of an age where sex isn’t legally permitted.
Queer Theory’s identification of a sexual hierarchy is logical. The family, consisting of a father, mother and their children is the base unit of all human society and the removal of this top layer of this hierarchy would strip society of any or all sexual morality. In doing so, those sexualities at the bottom of the hierarchy would find themselves on an equal footing with the others. Those at the bottom were listed as transsexuals, transvestites, fetishists, sadomasochists, sex workers and paedophiles. It is noted that pride parades often contain an element of these latter sexual paraphilias.
On the question of sex with children, we never see heterosexual pressure groups campaigning for this. Groups promoting institutions like heterosexual marriage and the nuclear family aren’t at all keen on the idea.
It is not really material whether Queer Theory is being consciously promoted or subconsciously followed. The aims and end results are the same. Blur the differences between the sexes, tell people that these characteristics are no longer immutable, and then the distinction between homosexuality and heterosexuality starts to blur. Ask yourself this one question. If a heterosexual male doesn’t find a woman with a beard and a penis sexually attractive, is he really transphobic, misogynistic, gay or just normal? In their eyes there can be no greater evil than to be normal.
Other Links: US gay icon, academic in gender studies, and activist jailed for possession of child pornography