Critical theories challenge traditional power structures, but do they assign blame too broadly? Unpack the arguments and implications of this polarizing intellectual movement.
Critical Theories
“Critical theories are important lenses to employ in research with immigrant and refugee families specifically because they aim to amplify marginalized voices. Critical researchers actively look for the silent or subjugated voices, and seek to facilitate volume.“ So it’s a scholarly way of shouting more loudly than those who disagree with you.
The idea behind Critical Race Theory was that virtually every aspect of American life is now, and always has been, determined by systemic racism because of slavery. I should point out that America has 50 states and just 15 of them were slave states at the start of their Civil War.
Some people believe that the entire success of Americas as a country of immigration was down to the efforts of the slaves in those 15 states and not of the millions of Europeans who flocked to the USA after the civil war and into the late 19th century. If you were really stupid, you would also believe that what could be applied to the USA, must be equally valid in the UK, The view from the academic left is you either accept Critical Race Theory, or you’re a racist.
You can though stick any word between ‘critical’ and ‘theory’ just to sound woke, compassionate and clever.
Critical Colonial Theory sees the world as a product of colonial exploitation. Europeans got rich by taking advantage of weaker countries in Africa, Asia, and South America. You either accept this theory or, again, you’re a racist.
Critical Feminist Theory sees the world as the product of the exploitation of women. You either accept this theory, or you’re a sexist.
Critical Conspiracy Theory sees the world best summed up by the phrase, “Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get me”. You either accept this theory, or you’re out to get me.
Critical Queer Theory sees the world as a sexual hierarchy wherein heterosexual married couples are at the apex of a huge pyramid of sexual identities, with gays, paedophiles and prostitutes at the bottom, oppressed by the mass of normal identities above them. The oppressed can only be liberated by the destruction of the hierarchy. You either accept this theory, or you’re transphobic, homophobic, an evil bastard, or like me, all three.
Critical Border Theory is the no-borders belief, and if you believe in borders, national boundaries, nationality and citizenship, then you’re a racist.
Now there’s Critical Immigration Theory. It start from a human rights perspective—having compassion for the poor and oppressed people of the world, and should do something about it, because those poor oppressed people are incapable of doing it for themselves.
This might sound a bit like Critical White-Supremacist Theory in that it suggests that the Woke are superior to everyone else. Being woke and consumed by white guilt from Critical Race Theory, it progresses to the idea that everything you have should belong to foreigners. The idea that you should leave a better Britain for your children is only partially correct, because actually it’s not your children who should benefit from your relative wealth, it’s someone else’s. It’s just white guilt, dressed up in a different wrapping, but the immigrant is king.
If you’re tired of my voice, you probably should watch the video instead:
The press have over the last few years pushed Critical Immigration Theory. Its terms and expressions moved from illegal aliens” to “illegal immigrants” to “undocumented migrants” to just “migrants.” In other words, people who enter the UK illegally have just as much right to live here as the English, Scots, Welsh and Irish. Immigrants have “rights” and you have an obligation. If you disagree with this theory, then you’re a racist.
Nationality and citizenship are just social constructs after all, and therefore have no validity.. (You can argue exactly the same for any laws we pass.) This ‘social construct’ is what prevents foreigners from all around the world having what is rightfully theirs, ie your stuff. Firstly, because you as an Englishmen, Scotsman. Welshman or an Irishman wouldn’t have all this wealth if you hadn’t exploited these poor people for millennia. So you owe them.
Secondly, it’s cruel to turn away people from other countries who are fleeing poverty, drug lords, and corrupt governments, even if they spent £1,000s to get here and passed through a dozen or so safe countries along the way. As a white British person you are morally responsible for the sins of other white British people, especially if they are long dead.
Moreover you exploited their countries natural wealth as a colonial power. Think of all that lithium and uranium we colonialists took out of Africa in the 19th century. Exports of African coal to European markets in the 19th century rose from exactly no coal to exactly zero coal in that same period, ditto for steel and ditto for oil.
The theory assumes that the security claims of refugees fleeing war-torn countries constitute a western responsibility for the whole of humankind. It trashes the idea of national sovereignty and speaks to a higher loyalty to a whole bunch of strangers on the grounds that they were on the losing side of some conflict somewhere. Global peace and harmony is somehow the responsibility of the West, because other ethnicities simply aren’t as virtuous, like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh which won’t sign the Geneva Refugee Convention, or China with its 360 UN registered refugees. OK, I exaggerate. At the time of writing it was slightly less than 360 UN registered refugees in the most populous country on the planet and the world’s second largest economy.
White saviours to the rescue again.
How does the left consider itself both morally guilty and morally superior at the same time?
The alternative name of Critical Immigration Theory is Critical Culture Theory. This posits the idea that all those failed cultures of the 19th and 20th centuries are trying to dump their shit, and their responsibilities on the culture which didn’t fail in the 19th and 20th centuries, ie the West. Those 19th century economies ultimately failed to progress beyond the cancellation of slavery and the seditious 20th century idea of universal suffrage.
It’s probably time for Critical Arse Theory. This posits the idea that politicians have two arses, because shite comes out both ends. They never seem to have our best interest at heart, and are dismayed by an ungrateful working class, that now needs to be replaced by a fresh class of voters, dumb enough to believe in the Ponzi scheme that is ever increasing mass immigration, and who also believe in levelling down to global standards, not up to our own.