Is demographic change a natural evolution, or does it hint at something more orchestrated? Explore the origins, controversies, and implications of the ‘Great Replacement’ theory.
From Wikipedia: “The original theory states that, with the complicity or cooperation of “replacist” elites, the ethnic French and white European populations at large are being demographically and culturally replaced by non-white peoples—especially from Muslim-majority countries—through mass migration, demographic growth and a drop in the birth rate of white Europeans.“
The Great Replacement theory was first put forward in 2011 by a French author Renaud Camus. The idea was not new and had a few variations, but Camus gave it the name “Great Replacement”. There is also a whole pile of conspiracy theory rubbish which can safely be ignored.
Whatever you think of such ‘conspiracies’, population replacement does happen. Whatever happened to the native Prussians, a Baltic people with their own language? The Sorbs are no longer with us either, and the native Kanaks of New Caledonia are now outnumbered by Frenchmen and other immigrants. Population replacement took place in Kosovo and it caused a war.
As regards the UK, the Migration Observatory at the University of Oxford had this to say on the topic; “Official figures projected that the UK’s population would grow from 67 million in 2021 to 77 million in 2046, and that net immigration would account for 92% of this growth. In an alternative variant where net migration was zero, the population would be lower in 2031 than it was in 2021“ Nine million extra immigrants on top of a population not naturally increasing? The English are now only 74% of England’s population. They look set to take a further hammering.
It is not entirely clear who these ‘replacist elites” might be, but those in favour of unlimited mass immigration in the UK seem always to be in government. The UK has certainly seen “mass migration, demographic growth and a drop in the birth rate” predicted by Camus.
Replacement in London
In 1991, 21.7% of the city was foreign born, but by 2011 this had risen to 36.7%. A 2005 London survey of London’s showed that 300 languages were being spoken and that there were 50 foreign communities with a population of more than 10,000 in London. By 2021 more than 350,000 Londoners spoke English badly or not at all
London’s population in 1961 was largely homogenous
Things may have changed
In the 2011 Census it was reported that for the first time ever in English history, the English people were a minority in the capital, and that London was less than 41% English. This dropped further still by the 2021 Census to below 37%. The fact that one of London’s ethnic minorities is leaving hasn’t led to any official or political encouragement to stay. In March 2023 Sadiq Khan illuminated London’s West End with “Ramadan Lights” to mark the city’s further transition away from its English heritage.
In June 2023 London’s mayor, possible worried about there still being too many Englishmen in the capital, told the press that he had “respect” for people who believed the numbers of people coming to the UK should go down but said “I’ve no hesitation in saying we need more immigrants in London”. Subconsciously many people may feel less foreign, when there are fewer English people around. A city without an indigenous population belongs to anyone, and the presence of English people might also remind them of whose country they’re in.
Then, in August 2023 his office published this – out with the old and in with the new!
When you add the totals up though, the English in London, the Irish, Scots, Welsh. Poles, French Rumanians, Americans etc, ‘white’ people are a majority on London. It is evident though from research, that organisations like the mayor’s office, just lump them all together by skin colour. Khan’s office seems to disapprove of that state of affairs.
A Sense of Belonging
As immigrants their identity is British, and British is a political identity, created by act of parliament, and so British is not therefore an ethnicity. Their sense of belonging in England would be enhanced and secured by the absence of the English. For this reason perhaps the establishment avoids using words like English and England. These words and identities are subsumed by the concept of being British.
The Scottish government pulled just such a stroke in its own census. It recorded the ethnicity of its Pakistani and Indian residents, but the largest ethnic minority in Scotland are the English. They don’t get a mention in the census and are listed merely as “Other British”.
That’s why Sadiq Khan hit out at John Cleese for saying that London wasn’t an English city any more. He didn’t want reminding that London’s inhabitants weren’t English. By referring to English people simply by their skin colour, ie ‘white’, he would deny the English their identity as a people, in a way that no-one would dare do to the Scots. Khan did try once to condemn Scottish nationalism as racist, but it got him in trouble, and Nicola Sturgeon slapped him down. No-one will ever say that English nationalism is a good thing.
According to the 2021 National Census, Birmingham is 51% Black, Asian, or other minority ethnic groups and only 42.9% White British, ie indigenous. How did we get here? In 1951, according to census data, the population was 99% indigenous. In 1951 just 60,000 were foreign born and by 2021 this figure had risen to more than 300,000. In the 2021 census just 119,732 people identified as “English”, while a further 110,753 identified as “English and British”. That is about a quarter of Birmingham’s population in England’s second largest city.
In Scotland we see that this never happened to their two largest cities. In 1971 Scotland was 99.6% ‘white’ and by 2022 was still 93% white. About 10% of Scotland’s population is classified as “white other” – that’s a euphemism for English. Ethnic Scots now number just 77% of the population. Its problem is emigration, not immigration.
Ethnicity and Identity
The Scottish National Party promotes the idea of “civic nationalism”, ie the idea that residency qualifies you as Scottish. The UK has a similar concept. All UK citizens whether of indigenous ethnicity or of immigrant stock are equally ’British’. The government uses the term ‘white British’ as an umbrella term to describe the indigenous English, Scots, Northern Irish and the Welsh. It follows from this term that you can’t be both black/Asian and white British, and under this classification, all the English are white British. If your ethnicity is ‘black’, you can’t really change it. An Englishman does not become ethnically Black or Chinese depending on where he was born or moved to.
English is an ethnicity just as any other, as it refers to a group of people who share a common ancestry, history, language, laws, customs and culture, and who are native to England. The ancestors of the English came from that part of the continent which includes the Northern Netherlands, north west Germany and Denmark. From those contiguous territories came the Frisians, Saxons, Angles, Jutes and some later Danes. They all spoke similar dialects and shared a culture and religion. Later they all converted to Christianity. After displacing some native Celts and absorbing others, the various tribal entities coalesced into unity in the 10th century under Athelstan, the first King of England.
Whatever you think about multiculturalism in the UK, it coalesces around the idea that England would be a better place if it were less English. Nobody though says France is too French, or that India is too Indian. The theory is that every where will be a better place if a proportion of every country gets up and moves to another. No-one is saying that the English should leave, just that the principle of self-determination shouldn’t apply to the them. The English shouldn’t determine who lives in England.
The resulting race riots such as those seen in Britain in 2024 between those opposed to mass immigration and the ‘replacists’, the 2022 race riots between Hindus and Muslims in Leicester, the BLM race riots of 2020, the 2011 race riots across the UK (five dead), and the 2005 race riots between blacks and Asians in Birmingham (one dead) are all a feature of multiculturalism. Predictably, the ‘Replacists’ maintain that the only race riots are the ones involving English people.
Criminologists paint a different picture. They say that in Britain and America, economic inequality and heterogenous communities are both linked to a lack of social cohesion and levels of crime. ’Diversity’ places obstacles in the way of networking and cooperation within local areas, and has a negative impact on social interactions. The Dutch also found that heterogeneity at a community level leads to low levels of trust and undermines social cohesion within the community.
The Met Police in London say that ethnically diverse communities are characterised by distrust, a lack of social cohesion and high levels of disputes. Other UK research talks of burglary levels being linked to increased ethnic diversity. Further reading on the failures of multiculturalism at:
Why Pro-immigration Englishmen might want us replaced
Who are these “Replacists” then? Well they’re the globalists, the international socialists and to a certain extent anyone who continually knocks his own country because his sense of inferiority and guilt have become too much to bear. They have become convinced that the British people are so evil that they must atone for the sins of the past. They have a poor sense of history, falsely maintain that England and/or Britain has always been a nation of immigrants, even though more arrived last year than in the years between 1050 and 1950. They are persuaded in part by propaganda that all the evils of the world were perpetuated by the British.
What Chat GPT had to say
“The “self-loathing Englishman” phenomenon is often seen as an exaggerated or misdirected form of self-criticism, where individuals focus intensely on the perceived flaws of England while overlooking its many strengths and contributions. Critics of this attitude argue that it can lead to an unfair, one-sided view of English history and culture, overshadowing the country’s positive achievements and values.
The “self-loathing Englishman” often focuses on aspects of England’s past, such as imperialism, without acknowledging the progress and reforms that have been made. England has a long tradition of social and political reform, from the abolition of the slave trade to the establishment of the welfare state. These achievements reflect a commitment to justice, equality, and social responsibility that are integral parts of English identity.
Furthermore, English culture is marked by a deep sense of fairness, a strong tradition of free speech, and a rich diversity that has been enriched by centuries of immigration and cultural exchange. The “self-loathing Englishman” may overlook the resilience and adaptability of English society, which has weathered challenges from war to economic crises and emerged with a strong, cohesive national character.
Critics of the “self-loathing Englishman” argue that their attitude can become counterproductive when it blinds people to the positive aspects of their own country. A balanced view of England would recognize both its historical failings and its many successes, fostering a healthy sense of national pride that is reflective, inclusive, and forward-looking.
The intense focus on the British Empire, while other empires like the Ottoman receive less scrutiny, does suggest that more is at play than simple anti-imperialism. While legitimate criticisms of the British Empire exist, the selective nature of this criticism, the modern ethical lens through which it’s viewed, and the potential influence of Anglophobia all contribute to this disparity.”
Great Replacement Theory – True or false?
Partly true actually. More cock-up than conspiracy though.